Author: Brandon Markwalder

  • Fall Ride

    A small offshoot to the main trail – I have been riding this trail for three years and just now discovered a delightful and hidden branch to the main path. This photo was processed with the VSCO e1 preset. Hidden among the fire orange and red leaves I found a sea of thorns.

  • Summer Ride

    Summer Ride

    The cover of forest has been opened just north of Dam Number 1 – Woods East on the Des Plaines River Trail. This photo was processed with the VSCO e2 preset and turned out rather remarkably.

  • Dune Grass

    Dune Grass

    Dune Grass – a photo from the ongoing series Crappy iPhone Photos – Classy Filters was taken at a lake Michigan beach north of Chicago. The image was processed with the b1 VSCO filter. I especially enjoy the lines in the image created by the curved sandy path between the two dunes.

  • The Strawberry – A Look at the Smaller Side of Fruit

    The Strawberry - Macro Photography
    The Strawberry – A focus stacked macro image created with a focus rail and some Photoshop fun. Similar to the previous installment of The Smaller Side of Fruit, the focal point was adjusted across a number of images, which were then composited together. Rather than adjusting the focal point of the lens which changes the magnification, I adjusted the focal plane by moving the camera itself. This allowed me to blend the images by hand in Photoshop CC quite easily as the magnification remained constant across all of the images.

    I stared at this photo for a long time, trying to find a nice balance between the layers. I stared at it so long in fact, that I completely missed the giant bruise in the center of the Strawberry. I guess that is a consequence of pixel peeping. Bruise or no bruise, I like this photo a lot. Just for fun, I ran all of the images through CombineZP and it spit out a pretty decent composite. I however, really did enjoy doing the layer masking by hand.

    The Strawberry is a composite of 12 images shot at 1/20, f/8, ISO 100 and flash at ½ power. The image as a whole is pretty awesome in my eyes. But, taking a closer look at different zoomed in parts is really neat!



  • The Blackberry – A Look at the Smaller Side of Fruit

    The Blackberry - Macro Photography

    The Blackberry – New techniques used for this macro shot of a blackberry included the use of a soft box, focus stacking, and a piece of white acrylic. The Blackberry is the first installment in my new series The Smaller Side of Fruit. Previous installments of The Smaller Side of Snacks were illuminated by positioning my single external flash at multiple points around the subject and blending the images together in post. With this subject, I also had to deal with a common problem in macro photography, shallow depth of field. Those two factors combined would have required a lot of layer masking.

    Enter the soft box and a piece of white acrylic. The 24” x 24” soft box was positioned 3 feet above, and pointed straight down onto the blackberry, which sat atop a piece of matte white acrylic. I took one test shot and knew this setup was the way to go moving forward. The Blackberry is a composite of 5 images shot at 1/60, f/4, ISO 100 and flash at ½ power. The focal length was adjusted for each image starting from the closest part of the blackberry and ending at the farthest. The 5 images were blended together in post to achieve a macro photograph with exceptional depth of field.

    Post processing was surprisingly quick. Minor white balance adjustments and other tweaks were performed in Lightroom. All 5 images were opened as layers in Photoshop CC and auto blended. I was not in love with the results both with seamless color/tone turned on and off, and started preparing myself for a few hours of layer masking against the original set of images. I then discovered a wonderful piece of open source software called CombineZP. After a few minutes of crunching, CombineZP spit out a fairly clean final product that required far less layer masking against the original set of images. I look forward to exploring the two focus stacking solutions and as always, getting a really great look at an ordinary object, in this case a blackberry, with the help of macro photography and focus stacking.

  • The Hazelnut – A Look at the Smaller Side of Snacks

    The Hazelnut - Macro Photography

    The Hazelnut – used to make praline and often found in the company of chocolate.  The Hazelnut is the fourth image in my macro photography series The Smaller Side of Snacks.  One of the fun parts about shooting this series is that I get to eat all of the rejects as I hunt for subjects that have the right balance of character, these three fit the bill well. I quickly discovered they like to roll around, a lot.  I had to square off the bottom of each nut, otherwise any tiny adjustment to the positioning of one resulted in the other two rolling away.

  • The Pistachio – A Look at the Smaller Side of Snacks

    The Pistachio - Macro Photography

    The Pistachio, quite possibly my favorite nut…I mean seed. This was the first image I shot for The Smaller Side of Snacks, however I just now finished the final composite. Pistachios have a thin brittle membrane called the seed coat. In the original image, a few pieces of the seed coat were lying beneath the shell adding a little complexity to the overall experience. The problem I ran into is that the seed coat is quite reflective. It caught the light in a unique way producing a very unnatural effect. I spent weeks coming back to this image and fighting with that unnatural reflection.

    It turns out that compositing, blending, adding fill layers, or any of the post production processes I have been using in this series were not the problem. The unnatural effect was present in the RAW data of the image. It was not until this discovery that I asked myself an important question; what would this image look like without the seed coat accents beneath the shell?

    I headed back to Photoshop and five minutes later, the seed coat was gone and The Pistachio was complete. I actually prefer the composition sans pesky, reflective, and brittle seed coat lying beneath the nut…I mean seed.

    The problem with the seed coat looking “off” is likely due to it being out of focus.  I was hoping to avoid these problems by using a large f-stop but upon close inspection of the below images it seems focus stacking would have worked pretty well.

    pistachio seed coat 1pistachio seed coat 2pistachio seed coat 3